How To Handle Case Study Group Discussion

2 min readJan 14, 2021

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A group case interview typically consists of three main stages — Case Reading: The team will be given copies of the case — a written document which outlines a business scenario. elaboration …

You can encourage preliminary conversation of the case among students by organising study groups of five or six students or simply suggesting that students meet informally to talk about the case before class. Group work increases the incentives for students to prepare individually and enables them to pool information and try out ideas.

In a case study based group discussion. first the candidates are asked to read the case. After that. they are required to analyze the case and discuss on the basis of the points with the group

You could read first the case study that would be discussed. If you would be the one initiating the discussion. then you should have even the basic knowledge what you all guys will be talking about because more or less the initiator ends up being the facilitator of the discussion.

Instructions: Two or more of these case studies (fictional or real) may be discussed in your session. Please read/review them in advance and come prepared to analyze and discuss with the group. Keep in mind that reality is often far more complex than fiction. There may be several RCR-related concerns interwoven throughout the case.

This is an exploratory research done through a real time focus group discussion carried on with the purpose of analysing the expert opinions of the focus group participants and generating more relevant research questions for which the study can be . . .

A group of two or three generally doesn’t need a leader to have a good discussion. but once the number reaches five or six. a leader or facilitator can often be helpful. When the group numbers eight or more. a leader or facilitator. whether formal or informal. is almost always helpful in …

Use the case study structure that we outlined earlier. but write these sections first: company background. challenges. solutions. and results. Write the headline. executive summary. future plans. and call-to-action (CTA) last. In each section. include as much content from your interview as you can. Don’t worry about editing at this point

Complete a task (For example. work through a case-study. role-play scenario. or solve a puzzle. ) The group exercise is one of the most revealing assessment centre activities because it forces candidates into a social setting where they have to deal with a mixture …

